Broker Check

"We believe the best way to build wealth is by addressing what can lead you to lose it in the first place."

                                                                                          - Ernesto Keaney

We work with

Individuals, Corporations, and Non-Profit Organizations with investable assets of $1,000,000+.

What we do

Wealth management strategies for individuals, families, businesses, corporations, and non-profit organizations.

Wealth management strategies for individuals, families, businesses, corporations, and non-profit organizations.

In association with tax professionals and estate planning attorneys, we offer wealth management solutions with a strong focus on risk mitigation, tax-efficiency, generational wealth transfer and philanthropic planning. 

<span>Our portfolio strategies aim to strike a balance between growth opportunities and risk management, taking into account the dynamic nature of the market.</span><span>&#160;</span>

Our portfolio strategies aim to strike a balance between growth opportunities and risk management, taking into account the dynamic nature of the market. 

We carefully align our investments with the prevailing macroeconomic conditions and implement mechanical exit and re-entry strategies. This approach enables us to pursue long-term growth while endeavoring to mitigate potential downsides and emotional investing.

Risk is an inherent aspect of all investment activities, and investors must recognize that no investment is entirely free from risk. Asset allocation, risk management, and diversification strategies, although important, do not provide an absolute guarantee of generating profits or shielding against losses. 

<span data-contrast="none">We offer customizable employee benefit plans specific to your industry and organization&#8217;s&#160;needs.&#160;</span>

We offer customizable employee benefit plans specific to your industry and organization’s needs. 

We focus on employee attainment and retention, while providing efficient tax reduction benefits for both employer and employees. In today’s competitive environment employee benefits help your organization attract and keep talent, while offering the proper types of protection for everyone. 

<span>Insurance planning is a crucial part of your financial strategy, particularly as it relates to preparing for retirement. It ensures you can pass on your wealth efficiently to your heirs and provides coverage for potential health, life, and long-term care expenses.&#160;</span>

Insurance planning is a crucial part of your financial strategy, particularly as it relates to preparing for retirement. It ensures you can pass on your wealth efficiently to your heirs and provides coverage for potential health, life, and long-term care expenses. 

We believe that risk management is even more important when no longer in your working years. There are many risks that can affect your portfolio values, not being insured properly can leave you exposed to taking too much money when you need it the most. 

Medical. Legal.<br />Specialty Division

Medical. Legal.
Specialty Division

You’ve studied long hours, gone through intense hours of training and work hard every day to be the best in your field. Let us assist you with the things you don’t want to focus on. We are an independent firm working with Doctors, Dentists and Attorneys of all specialties and practice areas.

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Our Core Values

Our Process


We dedicate ourselves to our clients.

Our History


We are NOT 9am - 5pm advisors.

Our Values


We are impartial and compassionate to our clients needs.

Our Resources


We are qualified, experienced and proficient.